Livin' On Love
The Trick
The DJ Is Crying For Help
1 Vote in Poll
What's on your mind?
1 Vote in Poll
8 Votes in Poll
Hi Guys I just wanted tto know if there was some ppl that have Living room As a favourite album. I dont know if those ppl exist.
If not, do you guys think Living room is a nice albu,m or its just a flop?
Your awser in the vote ^^
10 Votes in Poll
7 Votes in Poll
11 Votes in Poll
When I was watching the wiki, I saw that a lot of people like TMM more than OKO. In my opinion, it supposed to be that OKO is better than TMM because Oko has more views (like three times more than TMM) and the song with more views in all AJR is Worlds Smallest Violin that this song is from OKO. I don’t know who wins but you can tell your opinion in comments.
13 Votes in Poll
15 Votes in Poll
13 Votes in Poll
13 Votes in Poll
I believe it was reuploaded to YouTube, but it has most likely gotten removed. I am referring to the episode where a young Jack and Ryan are eating ice cream. Any hints?
14 Votes in Poll
14 Votes in Poll
What was the first song y'all remember listening too from AJR and kinda got you into them.
Made a custom Neotheater Deluxe cuz I'm bored