Hi Guys I just wanted tto know if there was some ppl that have Living room As a favourite album. I dont know if those ppl exist.
If not, do you guys think Living room is a nice albu,m or its just a flop?
Your awser in the vote ^^
14 Votes in Poll
Hi Guys I just wanted tto know if there was some ppl that have Living room As a favourite album. I dont know if those ppl exist.
If not, do you guys think Living room is a nice albu,m or its just a flop?
Your awser in the vote ^^
Worlds smalest violin
On minecraft video on youtube
I fell in love with that song and now its one the ajrs song that i love the less. theres so other that are so incr.
I love that intro it made us dream about what would be the show